Iiiinteresting weekend...
Went to my friends party on saturday was grand but was way too tired for it... Funny as though there was shit all over walls, roast lamb, hummous the whole 9 yards...
But but but....
Was walking home at like two listening to music and i hear all these snaps and crackles and stuff. Really freaky and shit coz it was so dark. So as I come round the bend i see this giant huge foggy glow in the distance and take out my headphones and the bangs and pops are so much louder. Thought it was Fireworks but then I kinda copped it was a Fire. So i rang the Fire Brigade and the station is like a 20 min drive from where i was? And they drove past after like 5 mins! Mad fast. So then i reach the road where the fire is on and they have two fire engines pumpin away at the fire. And the house is fuuucckkeeeed no windows or roof left. Thinking I was ready to go and shit I started to head but then the Guards asked for my name and number and shit and it was all like 'well fayur play to ya fur callin da firemen now jays not everyone would've done that'... So i do that then go home... They rang me at 8, bearing in mind i got home at 4 and were like 'Jays howiya its detective fiztgerild, We do be beleiving you rang in de fire last night? hows da head, are ye around? 'I'm asleep whaaa?' 'Hih Hih Jays now Own we need ye up here for a witness report! Can ye be up?!'..... So i went up at 10 and the retards asked where exactly the fire was? I pointed to the burnt out building explaining that it was somewhere about there...
So yeah hero.com
I'm in heaven
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